Understand the Angular Structural Directives

February 01 20194 mins read angular directive ng-template microsyntax

I used a lot of structural directives without taking the time to understand how it works, but when you look at the mycrosyntaxe it seems interesting enough to look over it and see what can we do in a ...

Note : Redux store debugging

November 30 20182 mins read ngrx redux devtool

Here is a little note about the debug of a Redux state managed web app, and for the example I will use angular with NGRX, but don't worry this tool works with pretty any of the most known spa ...

IoT Hub vs Event Hub, what are the use cases?

March 01 20162 mins read azure iot event hub iot hub

Introduction Talking about IoT, the Microsoft Azure IoT suite provide 2 really cool solutions, the "Event Hub" and the "IoT Hub". We will the big picture in order to understand typical scenarios. ...

Waiting dynamic resources with Promises

February 16 20161 mins read angularjs typescript promises

In a webapp, when you deal with loading dynamic/external resources Dans une webApp, it could be mandatory to wait the loading to be complete before your app use thoses resources. I will take as ...

Use enterprise certificate for windows Cordova package

February 11 20161 mins read Windows Cordova Certificat

Dealing with windows applications you may have to use enterprise certificate but unlike simple Windows 8.1/10 app, in Cordova we can't just press a button to import a certificate. The task is simple ...

Html 5 Cache Features

March 20 20155 mins read html5 cache manifest

For several years, it became more and more important to make a web app running offline ( SPA by example ). Thanks to the HTML5 specs, many tools are awailable in two specific categories : Cache and ...