Waiting dynamic resources with Promises

February 16 20161 mins read angularjs typescript promises

In a webapp, when you deal with loading dynamic/external resources Dans une webApp, it could be mandatory to wait the loading to be complete before your app use thoses resources. I will take as example my google-map use case, in this case we loaded dynamically the google (map) scripts.

First, we create a function that return a Promise, which can be already resolved or not, depending on a property isLoaded.

This function will be called before any action which need the dynamic scripts to be loaded ( like the init of the map).

private waitingLoadGoogleMapDeferred: ng.IDeferred<void>[] = [];
private isLoaded: boolean = false;

public loadGoogleMap(): ng.IPromise<void> {
    if (this.isLoaded) {
        return this.$q.when();
    } else {
        var deferred = this.$q.defer<void>();


        return deferred.promise;

The loadGoogleMap function return a resolve or the reference to the current promise, stored in ad array representings every "subscribers".

Now a callback for unstacking the deferred when the scripts are loaded.

(<any>this.$window).googleMapLoaded = () => {
    this.isLoaded = true;
    while (this.waitingLoadGoogleMapDeferred.length > 0) {
        var deferred = this.waitingLoadGoogleMapDeferred.shift();

So every code which need to access the dynamic resource must be executed with this

    //I can use Dynamic resources here

So we can have as many subscribers as needed, the execution is safe.